Significant milestones and improvements in efficiency, quality, and sustainability for the dairy are marked by the relaunch of the fresh milk products, which now include seven kinds under the Napolact brand.
“The change to Elopak was initially driven by the requirement to add tethered caps to all our cartons. Elopak gave us the complete filling and packaging solution delivering more production efficiency and product quality plus a new premium and modern pack across the whole milk range:” Gabriela Nicut-Runcan from Friesland Campina.
Friesland Campina invested in the new filling line at its manufacturing plant in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, installing the latest Shikoku M21 machine from Elopak, which features the highest hygiene levels for extended shelf life.
The first major rebrand in a decade
The fresh milk products from Friesland Campina Romania previously filled in other carton formats are now packaged in 1 litre Pure-Pak® Sense cartons with easy folding and unique grip features and wave top fin design. The dairy matched the significance of the investment and the move to gable top cartons, with its first major rebranding in a decade.
The most popular dairy brand in Romania, Napolact, has undergone a complete rebranding and relaunch across over 70 products, including milk, cheese, yoghurt, kefir, butter, cream, and buttermilk.
“The openness of the collaboration with Elopak enabled us to meet creative challenges head-on, such as getting the right cream colour as the canvas for our packaging, which is our trademark and distinctive asset for the Napolact brand”: Gabriela Nicut-Runcan from Friesland Campina.
The exceptional high hygiene capabilities
The new filling line is almost in full production and delivers all 14 fresh premium products, including Napolact milk, lactose-free milk, coffee milk and organic milk with an ESL shelf life of 31 days. The new line’s exceptionally high hygiene capabilities give Friesland Campina the option to extend shelf life to 33 days without loss of taste or quality.
“The better line quality and more efficient production combined with a waste-saving carton design hugely enhances our sustainability values. The iconic Pure-Pak® carton has catapulted stand out and visibility on shelves for Friesland Campina’s brands.”